
Pregnant Embrace

  “It’s gonna be alright, you know that, honey?” Kumiko told me, caressing my pregnant belly. Her words are reassuring, but still. It was not supposed to be like this. She is the wife and I’m the husband. Where have you seen a pregnant husband before? And yet, here I am, eight months pregnant with a big belly and two massive boobs full of milk. I can’t believe me and Kumiko are squishing boobs while hugging. It’s still so weird. I always loved her big full boobs, but now that I have a big pair on my own, well it’s not so great. At least hers don’t leak milk! I have to keep repeating that I’m doing it for us, for our family. We desperately wanted babies, but Kumiko couldn’t conceive and we were stuck. Until we went to Japan to visit her family’s village, on a remote island in south Japan. There, she proposed a solution, albeit a crazy one. Apparently in their village they had a tradition: in case a couple could not conceive, a magic rituaal would beat the infertility and

Great Shift: Military Duty

  The Great Shift disrupted many sectors and brought many adjustments. The Army was just one of the many areas and none knew it better than Sgt. Patrick O’Malley. He was one of the most respected soldier in the Army. A hulk of a man with many active operations under his belt, he was a physical presence to reckon, a man’s man that was humbling all his fellow soldiers. That all changed with the Great Shift. O’Malley ended up in the body of blonde stripper named Cammi. His new body was smaller, weaker, very curvy and busty. People were still impressed by his physical appearance, but not for the same reasons. Of course the Army couldn’t dismiss him. Doing so would be a waste of valuable knowledge and a PR disaster. So O’Malley was put on a more office-like job, overlooking the cadets. Now he had a lot of paper work and desk time. The endless days were just a constant reminder of his new physical apperance, with the blonde hair always in his view, the big boobs spurting forwa

Exchange Island Mirror

  “Some holiday!” grumbled Peter looking at the mirror. He had such high hopes for his trip to Exchange Island. Not only the place looked amazing, but he would have been free of his opressive parents, since he was going with his aunt Ruth. His enthusiasm went even higher when he was told what happens at Exchange Island. He simply couldn’t believe he was going to swap bodies with someone else. He hoped to get some buff guy, to have a change from his skinny 16 years old self. Whatever hopes he had were crushed once he arrived there and got swapped with none other than his aunt Ruth. Now a 45 years old woman, Peter spent the first two days locked in his room, while aunt Ruth went around parading her new twenty-something self. On the third day he woke up and looked at himself, naked for maybe the first time. “It sucks to be old and it sucks to be a woman” he complained “But I have to admit that aunt Ruth is pretty packed!”. As Peter began touching his big breasts, he began ch

Mother's Wish

Molly was cleaning up her son Brian’s bedroom when she heard a scream and suddenly a skimpy dressed girl entered the room. “Mom?! What the hell happened!?” the girl screamed in panic. “Who are you?” Molly asked, while suddenly coming to a shocking realization “No, it can’t be….” Just seconds before, Molly was complaining about her son messiness and careless wished for a daughter. It seemed that somebody heard her and granted her wish, because suddenly Brian morphed from a tall guy to a small and curvy girl. Molly thought that a daughter would have been less messy than her son Brian, which was not the case. Apparently her daughter Brianna was equally messy, and in addition she was a total slut, as noted by her clothing choices!

No Support

"WTF?! Dude, are you wearing a dress??" Brad says me at the start of our videocall.  Then, he starts to laugh hysterically and goes on and on on the topic. He mocks my pink dress and my sandals and swears he will tell all our friends back home. "You look like a fucking girl!" he adds once he stops laughing.  "I'm pregnant, you asshole! These are the only things that fit and feel comfortable. Just wait until you reach the seven month of your pregnancy!" I snap back.  "No way dude, no way. I'm two months in and I'm not doing none of that female crap! I'll man through it all the way. Won't even wear a bra like I bet you're doing!" Brad continues to mock. "Moron, just wait and see when all your slim jeans will stop fitting you or when your boobs will feel irritated and bloated. Then we'll talk. Until then, shut the fuck up!"  I thought that having another friend going through pregnancy thanks to the Fertility Pro

Exchange Island Activities

Seth tried to not listen to his friends' game of soccer, but they were noisy. He had tried to get as far away as possible, but even from the last row of sunbeds, he could hear them screaming, playing and having fun. He sneaked a peek past his silicone-enhanced chest and saw Rob's girlfriend Ashley in her male body running around. He sighed, adjusting his bikini.  When he agreed to join his friends to Exchange Island, Seth did not expect this. Sure they all thought that switiching genders was possible, but out of the eight of them, Seth was the only one who became a woman. The two girls of the group became men, so Seth felt utterly lonely for most of the day. They told him that they were going to do something together that day, but they decided to play soccer, Seth groaned. He was sporting two tits almost as big as a soccer ball, there was no way he was going to join them.  His envy made him stare at their mainly, sweaty bodies. He was hating their muscles and strength, but the