New Family

"There you go. The two assholes will know what they made me endure once they'll be out of me!" said Joe taking a picture of his huge, pregnant self.
Joe and his two best friends Robert and Casey were in a slump. All in their mid-forties, they were all unemployed and either divorced or single. One night they were lamenting their misfortunes in life and had one drink too many and they were dragging themselves home walking, or at least trying to.
Robert suddenly fell out of the sidewalk into the bushes at the side of the street. And there he found it: a strange metallic coupon with engraved on it 'make a wish'. He took and showed it to the others.
Joe laughed at the bizarre founding and thought it was stupid. Casey, who was the drunkest of the three, instead made a wish: "I wish to be young again!".
Joe scolded the wish: "Yeah, who wouldn't?! Me too I wish I'll be younger but it's impossible!".
Robert iterrupted the conversation: "Whatever, you party pooper! I wish too to be young again and to still be close to you guys! You're the best!".
Then Casey collapsed on the floor.
As Joe and Robert tried to raise him, Casey began to glow and shrink. Moments later, also the others started to glow and shrink. Only they realized they were shrinking, they were getting younger!
Soon outgrown by all their clothes, they found themselves naked in the street. The strange thing was that Robert and Casey were getting way too young. Joe stopped when he was looking like a scrawny teenager, while the others were going towards infancy.
The only thing that kept shrking and that point was Joe's penis, until it was smaller than the ones of the two 5 years olds that Robert and Casey had became. With a sucking sound it completely disappeared inside Joe and before he could say much his hips cracked wider and his ass expanded. His vision was blocked by long flocks of hair and his chest became puffier.
"Guys? Why am I becoming a girl??" Joe said in panic.
But Robert and Casey were getting to young to understand him. Now they were looking like infant baby, screaming and kicking in the air. Suddenly they were regreding into fetuses and what was even weirder is that the glow made them moving in mid-air towards Joe, who was forced by magic to lay on the ground with his legs wide open.
Robert and Casey were getting smaller and smaller as they approached Joe's vagina, till they entered inside him to become inseminated ovaries and left Joe alone, naked and female in the street.
That was eight months before. Joe had come to term with what the magic did to him and his friends. He had became a 20 years old girl name Jo. And he was pregnant with twins. Two twin girls. That was the only joy of his condition, thinking of Robert and Casey as Roberta and Cassie.
For the rest, he hated being pregnant with twins. He was huge and getting bigger and bigger. He had to pee constantly and the breast were swollen and full of milk. And Joe was trying hard to avoid thinking about giving birth.
"Damn cravings! I feel like having a mango now. I'm sure it's that asshole of Casey, he always loved mango...Damn him and damn wish!"


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