Second Puberty: Growing out of proportion

"Troy, I know you may not want hear that, but I think we should buy you a new swimsuit and probably also some new bras", said his mother Felicity.
"What?! Why? We bought those stuff like two weeks ago! This thing is still covering my boobs, isn't it?" replied the new girl annoyed.
"Honey, your swimsuit is supposed to, well, cover most of your breast, not only a portion...", tried to explain Felicity.
Troy scolded her. It's never easy when kids hit puberty, but Felicity's case was even worse. Her son Troy was already giving her some issues while growing up as a boy, but since he got Second Puberty it was even worse.
Of course he wasn't happy about being a girl and was very uncooperative at times. Felicity always wanted to have a girl, but not like this and not out of her son. Especially since Troy became so, well busty and curvy, and was hard to make him behave and dress properly.


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