Bimbo Escape

"Are you sure you don't wanna any of this yummy juice?" 

Bill sighed and turned to the bed of the hotel room. The busty girl wearing only a barely legal bikini top who was once his partner in crime Jack Cho was now on the bed and was offering him a a drink. Only, the drink was a highly experimental and potentially illegal beverage that had among other side effects, the ability of turning a person into a dumb bimbo, like Jack was now. 

Before drinking the beverage, Jack was the mind of their two men con team. He was tall and quite big, but moreover was very clever. Now he had changed into a busty Asian bimbo after he tried one bottle of the drink by mistake. In the space of some hours Jack shortened and got more delicate and feminine, then his hair got longer and his face softened. Before long, he was sporting growing tits and his intellect seemed to take constant hits. 

That was two days before. Now they were still on the run from the organization from whom they stole the drinks and other industrial secrets, with nowhere to go. They hid in a motel room, while Bill tried to figure it out how to get their tails cold. Bill even considered dropping Jack somewhere, but didn't have the heart. He was his friend after all and there was till the hope that the effect will reverse by themselves. 

"No thanks, Jack. I don't want to end up like you," Bill replied.

"*giggle* Like what? Gorgeus?" Jack said in his bimbo voice. 

"You know what I mean," Bill said.

"No, I don't. I'm like so much better looking now! Nobody will believe that Jack could be so pretty. Why would like, stay like that when you can be, like, me!?"

Bill suddenly had an illumination. It was risky, but he felt desperate. Maybe bimbo Jack was right, if he also drank the beverage, nobody will believe it was him and Jack, but two chicks nobody knew. It was a perfect escape plan. Maybe the drink wouldn't even change his sex, but it was worth the risk. Bill wasn't sure he wanted to be a chick, but with some luck it was only temporary and it beat the alternative. 

"Alright, gimme that!" Bill said, grabbing the bottle. 

"Yay!" Jack giggled "I've always wanted a sis!"

As he started slurping the experimental drink, Bill hoped to not regret his choice...


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