No Support

"WTF?! Dude, are you wearing a dress??" Brad says me at the start of our videocall. 

Then, he starts to laugh hysterically and goes on and on on the topic. He mocks my pink dress and my sandals and swears he will tell all our friends back home.

"You look like a fucking girl!" he adds once he stops laughing. 

"I'm pregnant, you asshole! These are the only things that fit and feel comfortable. Just wait until you reach the seven month of your pregnancy!" I snap back. 

"No way dude, no way. I'm two months in and I'm not doing none of that female crap! I'll man through it all the way. Won't even wear a bra like I bet you're doing!" Brad continues to mock.

"Moron, just wait and see when all your slim jeans will stop fitting you or when your boobs will feel irritated and bloated. Then we'll talk. Until then, shut the fuck up!" 

I thought that having another friend going through pregnancy thanks to the Fertility Program was going to be nice. Sure, Brad was five months behind me and living still in my hometown, but at least we could support each other and maybe I could help him as he follows my experience. Instead, he behaves like a jerk. I just hope that he is going to have an enourmous belly. 


After that disastrous call, I didn't speak with Brad in the following months. I was too busy with the end of my pregnancy and giving birth to my daughter Chloe. Around six months after our first videocall, Brad calls me again. 

"Hey dude, long time no see? I heard that you gave birth, congratulations!" he says.

"Hi. Yes, thanks. Chloe is quite some work but she's amazing. How you doing?" I reply, coldly. 

"Well, I'm quite far along, as you're about to see..." Brad answers.

Then he turns on the video and my jaw drops in surprise.

Brad is wearing a white dress that does nothing to hide her very large belly. He moves around, showing more of his shape. If it wasn't for his masculine features, Brad will be impossible to separate from a pregnant woman. 

I hide a smile at seeing him like this, so full and bloated. So feminine. 

He must have perceived my feelings, because he says "I wanted to apology for our last call. I treated you like a jerk. And as you can see, I didn't keep my word, I'm also wearing a dress and I'm wearing maternity bras. I'm going full in. Can you forgive me?"

I don't know if it was the view of him so pregnant, or genuine sympathy, having passed through the same issue recently, or I just wanted to be the better man, but I reply: "It's ok dude, I forgive you. I guess in the first months we all tried to hang on our old selves."

Brad nods and then we start chatting about pregnancy in general. With his due date approaching, he is reasonably scared. 

"Was it painful?" 

"Fuck, yes. It was the most painful thing I've ever done. I was in labor for ten hours and Chloe was a big baby. Sorry that I can't sugarcoat it to you." 

"Nah, I understand. I read that babies from the Fertility Program tend to be big. I just hope Junior here will like to come out faster. Hey, at least now you've got your dick back, right?"

I feel a bit embarassed but answer him anyway: "Uh, no. They told that it was better if I'm still like this until I finish breastfeeding."

I pause and then I can't even believe I'm saying it to him, but I add: "Plus, me and Caitlin are thinking of having a second child, so I may remain like this for a little longer..."

Brad doesn't say anything at first then adds tentatively: "I...understand. In fact, we are thinking the same..."


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